How do I get better average daily gain?

Average daily gain (ADG) is the grams per day in weight gain. Good ADG has positive outcomes such as better conception rates and increased first lactation milk production to name just a few. 

Improving ADG performance:

Improving lactose absorption is key for calves to fully benefit from good nutrition programmes. Lactose is released from the milk curd in the abomasum. It is broken down to glucose and galactose and these are absorbed into the bloodstream to form the major energy sources for young calves.
Using a fast flow or bucket system reduces the lactose absorption and so calves do not receive the full benefit of their food. By controlling the flow of milk, the digestive system can fully function for maximum utilisation of feed and optimum growth.

  • ‘Pre-weaning ADG had a significant positive effect on first-lactation performance: every 100 gm of pre-weaning ADG was associated with 85 to 111.3 kg more milk during the first lactation’. Source: Soberon et al., 2012

  • ‘Using slow flow rate teats to feed calves from day old to weaning appears to have an important impact on digestive processes in the immature gut. Such improvements in digestion and rumen development in young calves may assist in the digestion of milk and other feeds, leading to improved growth performance'. Source: Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition

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The Take-Home Message

Feed calves with a controlled milk flow to increase ADG. Milk Bar™ Teats control the milk intake so the digestive system can effectively process milk and absorb all the nutrients.