Published Research

There’s lots of old wives tales and mysterious concoctions around calf rearing.

At Milk Bar we like to deal in facts. 

At Milk Bar® we are dedicated to designing products that improve animal health and are user friendly. We have invested a lot of time and energy into research to really understand what goes on when a calf is fed with different methods. We want you to know how different feeding methods affect the calf so you can make an informed decision on your farm.

These interesting research studies have been undertaken with clinical controls to really identify the truth from the guesswork. If you have any questions or would like more information, please drop us a line!

  • Milk Barâ„¢ Research Trial 2014

    Focus: The digestive system

    In 2014 an independent study was commissioned to evaluate the implications of fast feeding on the digestive system of young calves. The findings opened a new level of understanding on how the digestive system works and how lactose absorption is negatively impacted by fast feeding.

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  • Vigortone Trial

    Focus: Weight gain

    In 2008 a trial in the USA discovered the positive weight gains and increased starter ration consumption for calves fed on Milk Bar™ Teats.

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  • Moorepark Trial

    Focus: Time efficiency

    The highly regarded Moorepark Research Farm in Ireland conducted a trial focusing on the time efficiency of different calf rearing systems. The Milk Bar™ System came out as the most time and labour reducing system.

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  • QCONZ Brazil Trial

    Focus: Overall health

    In 2016 the Milk Bar™ System was implemented into three separate farms with the key factors of weight, time and incidences of diarrhoea recorded.

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  • Hungarian Pail Trial

    Focus: Weight gain

    This trial compared weight gains from calves fed with Milk Bar™ Teats and calves fed from a traditional bucket.

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  • Italian Buffalo Trial

    Focus: Weaning time

    In Italy, 2017 the impact of using Milk Bar™ Teats with Buffalo calves was recorded. The results of higher weight gains have allowed the Buffalo farmers to wean a lot earlier to reduce costs.

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